Provided by Aundrea Beach-Greco in the aspiration of earning your business.
We are all in this housing crunch together, and as a financial professional, it is my job to know what types of financial solutions are available for people that may be in a tough position.
Regardless of how bad the Media makes it, here is the cold hard truth. Homes can only fall so far until Rental Yields become so fat and juicy that smart Money Investors step in and buy up the market in droves. That is already beginning to happen.
The market is such that there are wonderful deals to pick from so now is the time to look and pick the perfect Home for you. Many of the surviving Hedge Funds and Private Equity Groups are now raising BILLIONS of new Dollars and getting ready to pounce on distressed Real Estate.
There is still time for people who qualify for the Homebuyers program to get up to $8,000 that will not have to be paid back. If you qualify for the program, the Home must be Closed on or before December 1, 2009.
If you know someone who is renting....Please let them know about this GREAT/UNIQUE Opportunity to help them on their way to becoming a Homeowner.
Thousands of deserving folks just like you have achieved ownership of their “Dream Home” with the help of Aundrea Beach-Greco.
As a Mortgage Advisor, CMP, CMPS, I can serve your the Real Estate financing needs.
I'm highly committed to provide you, comprehensive loan solutions that will meet your long & short term financial plan goals & payment equity objective. I have the training and knowledge to assist you in determining the best loan for YOUR needs. I will help you to make informed choices about your financing options which will ensure the best loan and payment program choice for you and your family.
It is a GREAT TIME to be buying a Home. The market is getting stronger every day and the deals on New and Pre-Existing Homes are incredible. Please don't hesitate to call me confidentially or pass along my name to a friend.
It is my desire to earn your business.
Education is our KEY philosophy. It is KEY to Optimizing your net worth is managing the Equity in your Home to Increase Liquidity, Extend Safety, Improve Rate of Return, and Maximize Tax Deductions.
Aundrea Beach-Greco
Mortgage Advisor, CMP, CMPS
(702) 326-7866
Remember if you ever have questions; please feel free to get in touch.
I’m here to help you succeed and reach the
FINANCIAL FREEDOM POINT you’ve been longing for!
Let it be known: It is our desire to earn your business and to serve you by providing valuable information that will enhance you both personally and professionally.
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