Friday, May 08, 2020

Financial Resources To Help People Affected By COVID-19

Right now, the U.S. is experiencing unprecedented times and people and businesses are facing financial hardship as the COVID-19 pandemic has essentially driven our economy to a standstill.  Millions of businesses have closed, 22 million of consumers filed for unemployment and even more are facing income reductions.
While these are hard times for some, the good news is that help is available. From government programs to big banks, private grants, and a whole lot of companies who are trying to show their appreciation and keep their doors open, here is a long list of resources, programs, deals, and information for you.
Of course, these aren’t perfect ...  you still may need to do some calling or your own research, go through an application process, or something, and programs or deals may have caps or time restrictions. But something is better than nothing, as they say, and when we are talking about financial help, any help is welcome for the average American family these days!
We hope you find this useful, and feel free to share with friends, coworkers, and your community.

Remember that if you have any questions or need help we're here for you! 

Aundrea Beach-Greco
Mortgage Advisor, CMPS
NMLS 333739
(702) 326-7866

Aundrea Beach-Greco
Mortgage Advisor, CMPS
NMLS 333739
(702) 326-7866